How Can I Find a Spouse? Pt 2

Before you look for a husband or wife there is one absolutely essential thing you need to do – you need to know yourself. When we know ourselves well we will know who and what we need to complete us. Finding that person you dream of begins here. So ask yourself some questions like, What…

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Finding a Spouse, Pt 1

How can I find a good spouse safely? We hear this question so often in counseling. Marriage counseling is a large part of our practice, so we see the effects of not asking this question, or not answering it well. Singles who have delayed marrying are now very worried that the field of eligible men…

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Marriage and Intimacy

Have you ever been to Santa Monica or San Francisco, CA? I grew up on the west coast and used to love going to the piers built from these great beaches and bays. Piers are built out into the water for people to enjoy a view of the coast-line and an up-close experience of the…

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Marriage Counseling – What’s It Like?

What will marriage counseling be like? We’ve never been to marriage counseling, and we are not sure what to think. Really, we are nervous and a bit afraid. When couples first come in for counseling this, or something like this, is what almost everyone says. They don’t know what to expect, and they are not…

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Connection In Marriage

Many of us remember the funny scene in Princess Bride when the priest begins the wedding ceremony with the hilarious words…“Mawage…that dweam within a dweam.” But that is was we want, a marriage that fulfills our deepest dreams of love and connection, and that makes all our dreams come true. And even though we may…

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4 Ways To Tell If You Need Couples Therapy

When it comes to relationship therapy, many people can be leery. Some may feel like they don’t need help, that everything in their relationship is going smoothly. But what many people don’t know is that relationship or marriage counseling isn’t only for those that are having a hard time in their relationship. Counseling is a…

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The Type Of Counseling You Are Looking For

Welcome to the New Hope Counseling Service blog. If you are here, you are interested in getting help from a certified counselor in order for you to cope with the things that are happening in your life. New Hope Counseling is a place for hope and healing and we want to extend our hand to…

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