Fear…it can steal a lot from us

Fear is powerful. It steals joy, happiness, adventure and opportunities from us. Fear works its way into our minds and hinders us from living the life we were made to live. Everyone has experienced fear at one point in his or her life. Even those people who you think are “fearless,” they aren’t. At some…

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10 Things To Lessen Your Stress

Who hasn’t felt stressed at one point or another?  Sometimes life begins to get stressful and we feel as through we have no control over it.  Even if we feel like we don’t have control over the stress in our lives, there is always something we can do to help ourselves.  Sometimes the stress is…

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Seeking Help: is it a Strength or Weakness?

“Everyone Has Scars, They Just Aren’t As Visible As Yours.” – Anne Eliot Everyone goes through struggles throughout their lives.  Life is not easy.  Relationships end.  We lose jobs.  We fail a test.  We lose a loved one.  We have money problems.  Our children are struggling in school.  They get bullied.  We get diagnosed with…

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